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An Alternative Energy Source That Works

Electricity is the most expensive and continuously rising cost that households have to pay today, and there’s no indication it will slow down anytime soon. Plus, with the recent dramatic changes in our electricity use in the home over the last few decades, as well as more changes forecasted in the years ahead, it makes sense to invest in a cheaper, environmentally friendly, alternative energy solution.


Solar energy is ideal for most households. With solar rebates available and premium solar panel prices the best they’ve ever been, there’s never been a better time to install solar panels on your home. A residential solar system can provide you and your family with peace of mind by generating free and clean energy via solar panels on your roof, where you’ll be freeing yourself from complete reliance on the grid and lowering your carbon footprint.


By using the free energy generated through solar panels, you can have more freedom and a higher amount of control over your electricity, reducing your power bills by as much as 80% so that you save hundreds or even thousands of dollars each year. And once it has all been completely paid off, sometimes in less than 5 years, you will save tens of thousands of dollars over the life of your system.


Lumico Solar & Electrical are experts in the design and installation of residential solar systems. If you choose Lumico Solar, you’ll be choosing a long-term relationship with a team of experts who care, including a free 12 month system performance check. Get in touch with our friendly staff today for a free inspection and no-obligation quote to install a premium solar system on your house.

Image by American Public Power Association

Benefits Of Solar

Because Australia is one of the sunniest countries on the planet, solar has grown over recent years to become one of the best investments that Australian households and businesses can make. By reducing network energy consumption with solar technology, not only will there be a significant reduction in the cost of electricity overall, but it’s even possible for some to go off-grid completely and become entirely self-sufficient.
By investing in premium quality solar panels, these energy savings are pretty much guaranteed over their anticipated minimum 25-year life span. So, it’s certainly not surprising that millions of Aussies and counting have decided to invest in this clean and renewable source of energy.


While making the switch to solar can seem like a daunting process, the best place to start would be to get in touch to discuss everything you want to know with one of our technical solar advisers. That being said, here is the basic process for getting solar installed


Because each property is different, solar installations will need to be planned, designed and sized perfectly to suit both your building and your budget. We consider all aspects of the proposed solar installation, from the structure of the roof to the existing electrical system, and even previous energy bills. All of these things and more will be assessed so that we are able to create a detailed report.


This important step ensures that the proposed installation of your solar system will meet and hopefully exceed your expectations. We then provide you with a layout proposal that must be approved with either a signature or a reply email confirmation.


Once you have accepted the design, we will then furnish you with a system production report with detailed product information and financial analysis. This will allow us to also provide you with a quote and, once you approve it, our solar installation team will contact you to arrange a suitable date for installation of your solar system.

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